Tuesday, 10 December 2024

just this time

Please,  just this time.  

Someone take out my garbage and green bins for me. 

I  know it's the correct day because I heard my neighbour wheel theirs out.                  

It's dark.

And I'm tired and feeling sad.

It feels odd that tears are gathering beneath my eye lids, that preparing for garbage day has sent an arrow into my heart. 

No longer saying "sleep well sweetie" each night and setting a single place at the dining table, hasn't so far brought tears.

It's odd how that works: the one-too-many-things.

It seems like my tears were gathered, just waiting to fall.

Waiting for this moment.


  1. The little things .. the ordinary things… accent the colossal loss… JC

  2. Hi Jackie! I was just over past your house a few hours ago. Just reading your note now. Do you want us to come do that? Small gestures sometimes mean a lot. I was just reading back over your blogs since July 3. What a year it has been and it isn’t over yet. Pace yourself friend. At our house it is recycling so we are around doing chores anyway. SW

  3. My heart hears your words Jackie! With love and strength, hugs for you. ❤️Hilary :)

  4. That one dinner plate is hard to get used to, but even this grief will soften in time. Has a neighbour taken out the garbage yet? How large even a small task becomes!! I’m in Vancouver for the week and we’ll get together when I’m back. Hugs and hugs.
