Sunday, 14 April 2024

with a cup of tea

Early this morning, looking up from digging in my garden, I shared a greeting with a couple walking by, and commented on the beautiful sunny day.

I added: "I don't know what I'd do without my garden."

"And I bet your beautiful garden wouldn't know what to do without you!" was the woman's response.

I immediately recalled a letter poem I had created for my first book.  The poem I had placed first.

It reads: "I don't know who I touch walking on this earth ... who gathers my smile and slips it in their pocket to savour with a cup of tea."

The woman walking by gave me a gift.    

To savour. 

And, writing this blog will allow me to experience the moment again and again.

Last week, as a friend and I were walking in Fernwood,  a woman, perhaps in her mid 80's came towards us.  She was wearing wild multi-coloured leggings. 

I stopped and said that I loved what she was wearing!

She confessed that she hadn't been sure how they would be received, and admitted that she had bought a second, equally fun pair as well.  

On sale. 

Just $10 each.

I wonder if she is still feeling that moment of recognition and delight.

When I walk on the golf course trail behind the Cedar Hill Community Centre, I nearly always say "Good morning" to people coming towards me. 

Occasionally, it's become a bit of a game, wondering who won't respond, but it's been more fun seeing a rather gloomy-looking solo walker light up and send good wishes back to me.

I haven't listened to the news for nearly five months, usually just skimming headlines on my computer.

I haven't watched news on television for a great many years.

Still, I know enough about what's going on in the world, and that's ENOUGH!

I wish I could wrap my daughter, who lives in Israel, with layers of protective gauze. 

I can visualize it.  

And that is what I can do.

I look at the "cats with personality" website she has created and see the joy she gets from her rotating family of cats. 

              And, I can look at people as I move through my day, and really see them.

And that is what I can do.

And, in some way, let some of these people know that they are being seen.



  1. Terrific! I too smile at everyone and wish them good morning. You never know when that’s a gift, and what gift you are receiving as well.

  2. The exhibit at EmanuEl is ever so moving, Jackie. I was at a Bar-Mitzvah yesterday; during the kiddush lunch i moved from one image to another. Some made me smile, some warmed my heart, some - both. Honey, honey, don’t stop. I’d like to tell the woman with the funky tights the same thing. Hugzzzzz

  3. Lovely message to end this beautiful weekend. Thanks Jackie!

  4. Jackie,
    Your words and imagery are beautiful and so very poignant.
    Thank you for sharing this.
