I came home this morning after an hour and a half wandering the lane near our house; I needed to cross only two small streets before turning to wander home.
Returning, with the sun behind me, the trees looked unlike the ones I had focused on earlier. Their colours varied; the bark exposed frequently to shade, often had magnificent lichen and rich colour, while on the sunnier side, the bark generally appeared in silver and grey tones. In addition, in the hour since my initial exploration, the light had shifted.

"The meaning of life is to see." -13th century mystic, Hui Neng
I returned home and down-loaded 127 new photos onto my computer!
I found multiple images- ways of seeing similar elements, examined and perceived, once again.
Trees and more trees- my wonderful obsession.
You might be interested in reading an article by Marie Popova
The Unlikely Roads That Lead Us Back to Ourselves: Eve Ensler on How a Tree Saved Her Life
By: Maria Popova
An emboldening story of reawakening to the “insane delight” of merely being.
Fot the entire article please go to brainpickings.org
Gorgeous! It's a privilege to share the artist's eye....
Loved your photographs this morning. They take me somewhere where I need to go more often. Thank you!
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos 127! WOW ! Way to go Crazy Girl -