(from David duChemin vision@craftandvision.com)
And then, in his following newsletter, he continues saying that our passion "for this craft doesn't have to be a roaring bonfire all the time."
But, I'm not reading either.
I say I'm going to and then I find myself in the den in front of the computer. It's too often MSNBC or CNN or Mother Jones to keep abreast of the horrors that Trump is lavishly spreading. I make up that it's more disciplined that watching things unfold on television.
I heard an author speaking on NPR this morning saying that she's in a fallow period: neither writing nor reading. She feels this is because of the pandemic.
Another symptom to go with coughs and fever.

This morning I made another attempt at clearing off the pile of papers and magazines at the end of our pine dining table. It's large, so it's easy for it to become a sort of ad hoc filing cabinet.
I flipped through a July issue of Boulevard, and was struck by a series of full page images of five professional women. The article was to "highlight gorgeous local fashion and focus on finding silver linings in this unusual and difficult time."
The fashion stylist said that the "silver lining" for her has been that she "has been using this time to re-connect with" herself and her family. Another said it had given her the opportunity "to fall in love with my life - my life as it is." The makeup artist expressed that the slowing down has allowed her to "realign with what really matters."
Nothing terribly original, I thought. And then, one thing struck me.
Not one of the women was smiling!
I realize that this must have been an editor's decision; however, it seemed to show the shadow side of these women's words.
I'm making up that if these same professionals were again interviewed eight or nine months from now, the reconnecting with family line might not appear quite so often.
And, remember, I'm making this up.
Whereas today a QAnon conspiracy protester in Germany carried a sign that read "End the plandemic immediately", inferring that COVID-19 was a hoax, I am under no such illusion.
So, today I'm considering recharging the battery on my camera and deciding whether to read or to walk around my garden.
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