These last many months I have thought a great deal about our responsibility for the things we read and for those words that we choose to pass on from our gathering of information.
This introspection, a reflective looking inward, is being forced upon me primarily because of Donald Trump and his toxic comments on Twitter.
This quote was included, in the large print you see above, in a New York Times newsletter I received this morning.
The internet, as well as reaching and connecting many millions of people and dispensing valuable information, has opened a huge chasm of differing viewpoints and comments from the ethereal to the divisive and toxic. The word, chasm, from the Latin, chasma, and from the Greek, khasma ‘gaping hollow,’ evokes in me the frightening image of being in a deep hole or pit and trying to crawl up from its depth.
Why this dark image when I have seen and read glorious and positive stories on-line? Stories of kindness and discovery; introduction to poets and artists; fact-finding and wisdom. And cartoons that make me laugh. On-line I find help towards understanding my camera and Google translations from Spanish into humorous English so I can read emails from my friends in Cuba.
For sensitive people in particular, the burr of negativity sticks, just as the burdock plant's prickly seeds stick to our clothing.
I know how the people we choose to be around is important to our well-being. How the negativity of a person in our midst can pull us all down. And how, likewise, a person's joy and consideration have a positive effect. I am conscious of my effort to cultivate the friendships of those who elevate, and to move away from those who do not.
When Brian and I were in Cuba we were distant from all world news. No television, no internet, no communication at all outside of the personal day to day ones.
No tales of sorrow and bigotry. Of pain and unleashed anger. Of better than and less worthy.
In Havana I witnessed the kindness of people we met. Not an easy life, to be sure, but as an outsider I appreciated how often people helped us figure out directions from our small map, often walking along with us. How we laughed together, unable to say in words what we meant, but noticing that it didn't really matter.
a tee shirt I brought to Havana....a perfect fit!
a tee shirt I brought to Havana....a perfect fit!
No "outside noise", as in negative news cycles, made it so much easier to access kind expressions from inside, from close to my heart. To notice parents' love for their children, older men and women sitting near a window observing life in the streets and to be able to smile and say"no thank you" to the multitude of bike taxis.
Yes, I did see the poverty in Cuba partly as a result of the American embargo. I saw too the young adults sitting on door steps, who seemed not to have work. I realize that I was a tourist/visitor who didn't know the stories behind the nearly 2,000 photographs I took.
But, in retrospect, I was healing from the American and Canadian news outlets.
I can escape again by returning to Cuba in the spring, but, as an ongoing filter, this isn't practical!
Just as responsible parents restrict their kids' screen time, so too do I need to limit mine.
I feel somewhat virtuous as I don't follow the news on television, but visiting on-line is no longer much different. A half hour or more scrolling weighs me down. Where has the time gone and why am I not reading the books from the library and the three new ones from the Beacon Thrift store that sounded so fascinating just yesterday?
I've just scrolled through this month on my Facebook page. I am trying to determine what grade to give myself.
When is sharing a truth okay and when is it best to be silent.

The entry (Dec 4) from Doctors Without Borders telling about being forced to stop their rescue boat from saving migrants in peril in the sea seems important to share. And, another post, saying that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) announced that it had located a terror tunnel, constructed by Hezbollah, that extended 40 meters (131 feet) into Israel, also seems important for others to read.
I think that sharing information, whether on-line or in person, needs to be considered as carefully as measuring drops of a chemical into a test tube.
For me, Trump's tweet translates to acute toxicity.
But, in retrospect, I was healing from the American and Canadian news outlets.
I can escape again by returning to Cuba in the spring, but, as an ongoing filter, this isn't practical!
Just as responsible parents restrict their kids' screen time, so too do I need to limit mine.
I feel somewhat virtuous as I don't follow the news on television, but visiting on-line is no longer much different. A half hour or more scrolling weighs me down. Where has the time gone and why am I not reading the books from the library and the three new ones from the Beacon Thrift store that sounded so fascinating just yesterday?
I've just scrolled through this month on my Facebook page. I am trying to determine what grade to give myself.
When is sharing a truth okay and when is it best to be silent.

The entry (Dec 4) from Doctors Without Borders telling about being forced to stop their rescue boat from saving migrants in peril in the sea seems important to share. And, another post, saying that the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) announced that it had located a terror tunnel, constructed by Hezbollah, that extended 40 meters (131 feet) into Israel, also seems important for others to read.
I think that sharing information, whether on-line or in person, needs to be considered as carefully as measuring drops of a chemical into a test tube.
For me, Trump's tweet translates to acute toxicity.
Toxicity: The degree to which a substance (a toxin or poison) can harm humans or animals. Acute toxicity involves harmful effects in an organism through a single or short-term exposure.
The effects of Trump's produce absolutely nothing of positive value. His hateful rhetoric benefits no one: not even the one who spews the dirt.
How can we ask our children to understand the pain of bullying and the harm hatefulness lays upon all of us, when the President of the United States belches forth these toxins.
Yet we must try. We must discipline ourselves, as well.
How can we ask our children to understand the pain of bullying and the harm hatefulness lays upon all of us, when the President of the United States belches forth these toxins.
Yet we must try. We must discipline ourselves, as well.
A thoughtful and needed post. Our feeds are often places where we play a hot potato game of "this hurts, pass it on". It's an attempt, I always think, of seeking connection with others in our pain. As much as we all try not to, it squeezes through, and I send healing thoughts when I see it and exercise self-compassion when I do it myself. I don't think I could live without knowing what's going on in the world and, like you, acknowledge the toll this attunment takes. My plans for the new year are threefold. First to come up with a clear decision about what I intend my page to express, much as you have here, and use that as my filter. I will assume, quite safely I think, that everyone is getting news of the swamp. Two, of course, is to limit my time in this space to half an hour a day using a timer. And three, I will try as much as I can to implement a strategy mandatory in a group I've joined, to write what I think or feel or will do about a post I am sharing. There rule is to put the link in the comments, all this intended to slow things down on both sides of the screen.
ReplyDeleteI bet you will receive many responses to this blog post. Laurie
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):
ReplyDeleteRob Brezsny's Astrology Newsletter
December 19, 2018
"Be very, very careful what you put into that head, because you will never, ever get it out." This advice is sometimes attributed to sixteenth-century politician and cardinal Thomas Wolsey. Now I'm offering it to you as one of your important themes in 2019. Here's how you can best take it to heart. First, be extremely discerning about what ideas, theories, and opinions you allow to flow into your imagination. Make sure they're based on objective facts and make sure they're good for you. Second, be aggressive about purging old ideas, theories, and opinions from your head, especially if they're outmoded, unfounded, or toxic.