sigh.......... A friend commented on my last post and said that sushi was out too.
I guess sashimi would be okay if I have no pickled ginger or soya sauce.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Mr. H

All those tropical fruits I love so much (3 mangoes tease me from inside the fridge) and the square of dark chocolate I adore after dinner- gone. Even decaf is considered caffeine by these rules and we know that any liquor is pure sugar. So, these too are gone.
And the juice I felt so virtuous to make and drink is a mere shadow of its former self as I must eliminate the apples, carrots and beets from the mix. All the good-tasting stuff.
I've added MaximEyes tablets to my Chinese pills, but, quite honestly, the print on the bottle is so small I'm not sure what the 90 Vcaps contain.
The good news is that I can still consume dairy products and sushi.
The better news is that our daughter, Hilary, and grandkids Linden and Stella visited for three days. Here is the link to her Etsy site where she is selling amazing posters and cards:
The beeper is going. Time for my eye drops.
© 2013 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
The eye is a slightly asymmetrical globe, about an inch in diameter.
Just behind the iris and pupil lies the lens, which helps to focus light on the back of the eye. Most of the eye is filled with a clear gel called the vitreous. Light projects through the pupil and the lens to the back of the eye. The inside lining of the eye is covered by special light-sensing cells that are collectively called the retina. The retina converts light into electrical impulses. Behind the eye, the optic nerve carries these impulses to the brain. The macula is a small extra-sensitive area within the retina that gives central vision. It is located in the center of the retina and contains the fovea, a small depression or pit at the center of the macula that gives the clearest vision.
Monday, 17 March 2014
sometimes you just gotta laugh
If you've been following my blog, you'll know that there have been some challenging health moments with Brian and myself: cataract surgery on my right eye at the end of January, followed by Brian's ambulance ride and emergency hernia surgery and then the ongoing challenge of retina swelling (macular edema) which makes the focusing ability on my right eye very compromised. (Like LARGE print books only)
So, things should to be getting better...right? Wrong!
I've just returned from the doctor's office where I expressed some concern about a rash that has been developing on my left cheek and spreading under my chin. It must be an allergic reaction, perhaps to my eye drops. Right? Wrong!
It's Shingles. Thank goodness I had the vaccine two years ago so it is a mild case. It is amazing the impact that stress has on the body.
The 'you won't believe it' part is that I need to reschedule my left eye cataract surgery from April 4 until the first week in June. For a totally visual person like me, it all seems pretty daunting. I welcome your healing energy and invite you over for coffee. I have three months to go: that's a lot of decaf coffee beans.
Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
just hangin' out
I am lucky that my neighbour, Kathleen, and my friend, Jean, both like to knit and fortunate that both of their sock drawers are already full.
Over the last few years my collection of their fun and fabulous creations has grown.
A few days ago I did a gentle cold wash and then lined them up in a row to dry.

Thursday, 6 March 2014
a·dieu əˈd(y)o͞o,äˈdyœ/

Sunday, 2 March 2014
Arizona trees
For eleven years, Brian and I spent between two and three months in our small townhouse in Sedona, Arizona. We would usually return to Victoria at the beginning of March.
When we went for our daily hikes or walks in the sunshine, I was drawn to the way the light played on the trees and on the patterns that appeared when I moved in close with my camera.
Here is a brief retrospective-

When we went for our daily hikes or walks in the sunshine, I was drawn to the way the light played on the trees and on the patterns that appeared when I moved in close with my camera.
Here is a brief retrospective-

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