Monday, 27 January 2014

my blog’s origin

Three years ago as I was walking with Sheila, a mere 50+ year-old, she thrust upon me the information that upon reaching the age of 70 the term 'decrepitude' had been assigned in many cultures. 

I immediately googled 'age decrepitude' and found  this:  'They divide the years of a man into seven ages: infancy, from the day of birth to the seventh year; childhood, 7-14; puberty, 14-25;...old age, 60-70; decrepitude, 70-100, or death.'

Another article (since then lost to me in cyber space) extended old age generously from 45 to 70 years, describing these years as cold and dry; and decrepitude, from 70 to 80 years, cold and moist. 

Of course this is all hogwash.  Right? Look at all the 70+ year olds still working and creative, writing, making art, heading corporations,  conducting, making policy, inventing and running marathons. 

 Julia Child was still cooking, writing and doing television in her 80's, though that's not really my goal!

However, trying to be au courant, I grabbed the domain name and asked my friend and graphic designer, Patrice, if she would set it up online when my 70th birthday arrived.  

Maybe a blog, I thought.  I figured if the site remained inactive for several years, I could sell the domain for a huge profit as baby boomers stop exercising and face their mortality.  is linked to this blogspot.


  1. Jackie you will never be old... you are toooooooooooooo curious and way to busy to be old and decrepitude....... who has time for that...

  2. Dear Jackie

    So glad you are blogging. An extra new digital phase. Congratulations. Love, support and blessings,

    David xo
