Sunday, 7 November 2021


And, she had this weird habit of being herself all the time; that’s why, not everyone liked her. -unknown

Being myself.  Who is this self that I'm being?

If I were to ask 10 people who they think I am in this world, would I get 10 different words describing me? 

If I were to ask a co-member of Congregation Emanu-El's social action group, Avodah, would she/he see me differently than a member of my mahjongg group? 

Would both groups see me as "involved" or  as "outspoken"?  

If I had my way, I'd like "committed" and perhaps "dedicated" added to "outspoken". defines "outspoken"this way:   
 characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion

Reading this definition, "outspoken" doesn't sound too bad at all!  

Searching online, I see that the Merriam-Webster definition of "outspoken" includes "candid", "direct", and "forthright" and then adds "openhearted" in the middle of 20 descriptive words!

We recently held an art exhibit in our studio, showing and selling work that spans about 45 years. There were paintings of mine whose mediums included powdered poster paint and house enamel! 

       painted in 1977

In most of these paintings, there seemed to be an explosion of creative energy!  Direct, confident and...outspoken!  I had no barriers in our  Cowichan Valley studio.

the remaining image from a series of masks I painted, influenced by our African art collection


I've never before thought of my art work in that way.

And my garden?  Maybe that too.

As I recently celebrated my 78th birthday, I become even more aware of the finite life I have been gifted.

How do I wish to be in this world and at this time? 
How can I truly live my values? 
In what way can I contribute to the well-being of one single person?
In what ways can I contribute to the well-being of more than one single person?

Returning from our first trip outside of Victoria during the pandemic, after having spent 3 1/2 days walking on the peaceful beaches of Tofino, I am committing to more often pressing "delete delete delete"  on my computer's screen. 

-Being in my body as I walk more often.
-Contributing time and energy assisting agencies and community centres.
-Being less impatient. (a hard one!)
-Saying "I love you!" more often.

AND, being outspoken with AN OPEN HEART!