Last evening I sat down at the computer to begin a new entry. I wanted to start with a series of my recent photographs, surprising you with their ethereal beauty, and only then, letting you in on the secret of their creation.
Pablo Casals wrote, 'I do not think a day passes in my life in which I fail to look with fresh amazement at the miracle of nature. It is there on every side. It can be simply a shadow on a mountainside, or a spider's web gleaming with dew, or sunlight on the leaves of a tree...'
And Minor White invites us to 'go into the landscape... let your subject find you.'
And finally, a comment from my friend, Jan, who responded to photos on my blog of January 6 (the zen of creativity) writing that 'they take me somewhere I need to go more often.'

Gathering flowers from our garden, I am giving them a new context: sheathing them in multi-faceted ice, I have been taking hundreds of photographs, digitally recording the magic.
We usually don't look at anything at all.
-Chogyam Trungpa